Protein is an essential part of every person’s diet, but you don’t need to be a meat eater to get your daily allotment. If you aren’t a meat eater, though, you need to be mindful about getting enough protein in your day. Skimping on protein is not a good idea, as it breaks down to supply the amino acids necessary for building and restoring every part of the body. Seriously, we are talking about hair, nails, tissue, muscles, hormones, enzymes, blood, and more. If you aren’t getting enough, you might start to notice symptoms like hunger, fatigue, weakness, difficulty sleeping, or loss of muscle mass.
4 Ways To Start Eating More Mindfully
PMS Relief: 5 Things You Can Start Right Now
When it comes to PMS, it feels like there are good months and there are bad months. Sometimes, it even feels like there are good years and bad years.
Yet, most women experience PMS symptoms at some point in their menstruating lives. These symptoms can range from a few days to almost constant, depending on the person. And the symptoms are all over the place too. They include fatigue, breast tenderness, moodiness, bloating, cramps, anxiety… and the list goes on.
So, what is a woman to do? Ideally, we need to balance out our hormones, which we can go about in many ways. A great place to start is with the basics. Are you eating the right foods, getting enough sleep, managing your stress, exercising regularly, and eliminating properly?
Healthy Bites for Summer
Alzheimer’s – Prevention is Key
An interesting fact about Alzheimer’s is that change begins in the brain a long time before there are any noticeable signs. The exact cause of Alzheimer’s is still unknown, but most likely involves multiple factors, like many other chronic diseases. In addition to age and genetics, lifestyle and diet also weigh in. Starting down a preventative path today is the best plan if you have any concerns about Alzheimer’s in your future.
Healthy Bites for May... and a Special Challenge!
Healthy Bites for April
Keep The Craving, Ditch The Dough With This Delicious Cauliflower Crust Pizza
Who has a favorite food that you mostly try to avoid? I do! My favorite and probably many people’s favorite is pizza. I love it. A NYC slice eaten on the street, a fancy wood-burning oven pizza, and anything in between. I try keep pizza to a minimum so that I can avoid refined carbohydrates. This is not news, but refined carbs break down quickly into sugars and can contribute to fatigue, depression, obesity, poor immune function, and many other health issues. You are probably wondering if we are avoiding refined grains, how do we get our pizza fix?
5 Easy Ways To Eat More Vegetables Daily
If you need a little motivation to boost your veggie intake, here’s a few things they have to offer…Vegetables are anti-inflammatory, full of fiber, and contain vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. Because of this they may help to ward off chronic diseases, promote good gut health, and help keep us youthful! Now that you are inspired…